Penerbit : Wordsworth Classic
Tebal : 192 halaman
Kategori : fiksi, novel
Jenis kover : soft cover
Kondisi : baru, segel
Harga : Rp. 44.000
Berat : 160 gram
Bahasa : Inggris
3.66 avg rating – 18,802 ratings
Jule’s Verne third great 'science fiction’ novel describe the discovery and exploration of a secret tunnel which leads through a volcano to the centre of the Earth. The leader of the expedition is an archetypal comic and eccentric boffin, and together with his ward, his nephew Axel (who is in love with the ward), and an estimable Icelandic guide, the journey is made.
Posted by niagarabuku
Tags: feature , Journey , jual buku baru , Jules Verne , novel import , Sastra , Science Fiction