Penerbit : Wordsworth Classic
Tebal : 208 halaman
Kategori : fiksi, novel
Jenis kover : soft cover
Kondisi : baru, segel
Harga : Rp. 44.000
Berat : 170 gram
Bahasa : Inggris
3.61 avg rating – 304,033 ratings
Begun when the author was only eighteen and conceived from a nightmare, Frankenstein is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers since its first publication in 1818. The novel has thus seared its way into the popular imagination while establishing itself as one of the pioneering works of modern science fiction.
Posted by niagarabuku
Tags: feature , jual buku baru , Mary Shelley , novel import , Sastra , Science Fiction