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Filled under : Biografi , feature , filsafat , jual buku baru , Yukio Mishima

mishima_a_biography-baru Penulis : John Nathan

Penerbit : Tuttle

Tebal : 300 halaman

Kategori : non fiksi, biografi

Jenis kover : soft cover

Kondisi : baru, segel

Harga : Rp. 55.000

Berat : 390 gram

Bahasa : Inggris




4-star  3.78 avg rating – 98 ratings



In 1970, at the age of forty-five, Kimitake Hiranka – better known by his pen name, Yukio Mishima – was unrivaled as the outstanding Japanese writer of his generation. He had produced forty novels, eighteen plays, twenty volumes of short stories and essays, and had been nominated for the Nobel Prize three times. In November of that year, he performed the most spectacular feat of his career, a ritual suicide which he had painstakingly plotted for several months.

Horrifying as his death was, it represented the almost inevitable climax for Mishima, a tortured, nearly superhuman being, whose life had been relentless search for convulsive beauty. John Nathan’s fascinating biography examines Mishima’s troubled childhood spent under the domination of a sickly grandmother, who infected him with a poetic longing for irrecoverable past; his mother’s passive but equally ferocious jealousy; his father’s tyrannical opposition to his son’s ambitions; his early fixation on purity and beauty, which paved the way for his later erotic nihilism; the conflict between his orderly and conventional  life ( he married an aristocrat’s daughter and was the loving father of two children) and his homosexuality and sadomasochistic impulses; and his increasing obsession with death as both the coup de theatre and his supreme beauty.

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Posted by niagarabuku

Tags: Biografi , feature , filsafat , jual buku baru , Yukio Mishima

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