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Filled under : Award Winner , Eksistensialisme , feature , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Yasunari Kawabata

the_master_of_go-kawabata Penulis : Yasunari Kawabata

Penerbit : Tuttle

Tebal : 187 halaman

Kategori : fiksi, novel

Jenis kover : soft cover

Kondisi : baru, segel

Harga : Rp. 60.000

Berat : 230 gram

Bahasa : Inggris




4-star  3.80 avg rating – 645 ratings



Winner of the Nobel Prize Literature 1968



This is the novel – at once elegiac and suffused with life – that Yasunari Kawabata, the internationally aclaimed Japanese writer and winner of the Nobel Prize Literature in 1968, considered to be his finest work. It centers on a single game of Go, the ultimate contest of supremacy between the hitherto invincible Master of Go and his younger, more modern challenger. It is a game extended over many months of play, a game whose elevated atmosphere of ceremony increasingly gives way before the complex human tension not only between the Master and the Challenger but between their wives, their retinues, and the two worlds and sensibilities they represent. For the game is the framework: the true subject of Kawabata’s profoundly moving novel is the contest between tradition and change, between the old Japan and the new and, ultimately, between life and death.

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Posted by niagarabuku

Tags: Award Winner , Eksistensialisme , feature , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Yasunari Kawabata

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