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Filled under : Award Winner , Comedy , feature , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Satire

The_age_of_innocence-edith_wharton Penulis : Edith Wharton

Penerbit : Wordsworth Classic

Tebal : 256 halaman

Kategori : fiksi, novel

Jenis kover : soft cover

Kondisi : baru, segel

Harga : Rp. 45.000

Berat : 195 gram

Bahasa : Inggris




4-star  3.88 avg rating – 26,174 ratings



Peraih Pulitzer Prize 1921 (Pertama kalinya Pulitzer Prize dimenangkan oleh seorang wanita)



Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton's greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the 'eternal triangle' of love.

Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during the 1870s, the author's combination of powerful prose combined with a thoroughly researched and meticulous evocation of the manners and style of the period, has delighted readers since the novel's first publication in 1920. In 1921 The Age of Innocence achieved a double distinction - it won the Pulitzer Prize and it was the first time this prestigious award had been won by a woman author.

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Posted by niagarabuku

Tags: Award Winner , Comedy , feature , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Satire

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