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Filled under : Comedy , feature , Jonathan Swift , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Satire

Gulliver's_Travels-Swift Penulis : Jonathan Swift

Penerbit : Wordsworth Classics

Tebal :  288 halaman

Kategori : fiksi, novel

Jenis kover : soft cover

Kondisi : baru, segel

Harga : Rp. 45.000

Berat : 220 gram

Bahasa : Inggris




3,5-star 3.44 avg rating – 32,952 ratings



Jonathan Swift’s Classic satirical narrative was first published in 1726, seven years after Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (one of its few rivals in fame and breadth of appeal). As a parody travel-memoir it reports on extraordinary lands and societies, whose names have entered the English language: notably the minute inhabitants of Lilliput, the giants of Brobdingnag and the Yahoos in Houyhnhnmland, where talking horses are the dominant species.

It spares no vested interest from its irreverent wit, and its attack on political and financial corruption, as well as abuses in science, continue to resonate in our times.

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Posted by niagarabuku

Tags: Comedy , feature , Jonathan Swift , jual buku baru , novel import , Sastra , Satire

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